My pricing kaupapa

My aim is to make my workshops as accessible as possible while still earning myself a decent living. I've therefore created three pricing levels: waged, unwaged, and helping hand. The overall kaupapa is to chip in what you can.

If you are technically waged but struggling financially - especially if you've been hit in the wallet by the pandemic - please buy an unwaged ticket. And if $5 is too much right now, no worries, just drop me a line:

Conversely, if you’re technically unwaged (eg. retired) but are financially comfortable, I’d be really grateful if you would purchase either the waged or helping hand ticket.

The helping hand ticket is for people who can not only afford the waged ticket but also want to help subsidise those attendees purchasing an unwaged ticket.

If you'd like to help but can't manage that much extra, there's also an option for you to add a donation amount of your choosing.

Noho ora mai :-)