Every couple of months or so (usually) at 3pm, I host an hour-long kōrero pukapuka via videoconference. It’s a publishing support group for writers, especially writers making their first foray in to the world of publishing, including self-publishing. All are welcome - bring as many questions as you like!
Entry is by koha. My aim with all my workshops is to make them as accessible as possible while still earning myself a decent living. I've therefore created two pricing levels: waged ($25), and unwaged ($2.50). The overall kaupapa is to chip in what you can.
If you are technically waged but struggling financially - especially if you've been hit in the wallet by the pandemic & cost of living crisis - please just pay as much as you can afford. Conversely, if you’re technically unwaged (eg. retired) but are financially comfortable, I’d be really grateful if you would contribute a bit more.
To join, email me on books@elizabethheritage.co.nz and ask to be added to my mailing list. There’s no need to buy a ticket, just show up on the day.
Three residents of the Otahuhu Borough new pensioner flats complex in High Street enjoy a chat over a cup of tea. Left to right: Mrs S.A. Humberstone (80), Mrs I. Fuller (79) and Mrs L. Frommherz (79). Photograph published in the South Auckland Courier, 1 April 1964, p. 13. Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections Footprints 06644