As alert readers will be aware, my dear departed pet rat Orville was filmed for The Hobbit. Recognising this sterling service to queen and country, Orville was posthumously made the Ghost of Honour at LexiCon, NZ’s 38th national science fiction and fantasy convention. As Orville’s official representative on the mortal plane, I was invited to attend and to give an honorary address; a duty and pleasure I duly performed. I was also invited to supply a brief bio of Orville’s life and career to the con book.
Although the Hobbit films were met largely with a stony silence from critics (no doubt due to insufficient rats), it is my very great pleasure to announce that the LexiCon con book was awarded the 2018 Sir Julius Vogel Award for Best Fan Publication. Congratulations to Darusha Wehm, who edited and published this excellent piece of Orville’s substantial cultural legacy.
LexiCon con book with SJV award. CC BY
“I am delighted that Orville has been able to add this award to his long list of achievements. While the LexiCon con book took many hours of work — including project management, design, and writing — I am confident that it was Orville’s inclusion that made it truly award-worthy.”